What is C++ Language

• C++ is a statically typed, compiled, general-purpose, case-sensitive programming language that supports procedural and object-oriented programming.
• C++ is an Object Oriented Programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrp at AT & T Bell Laboratories, USA in the early 1980’s.
• C++ is nothing but C language extended or improved with the concept of Classes and Objects. Hence every valid C program is also a C++ program.
• C++ is called as a superset of C programming language.
• The major design creation of C++ was to retain its compatibility with C programming language.
• All valid C programs are valid C++ program. Hence a C++ compiler can compile and execute all valid C programs but reverse is not true.
• The C++ language uses most of the C language features like decision making statements, looping statements, structure etc.
• Apart from supporting the keywords of C language, C++ also adds certain additional keywords which help implementing object oriented paradigm.

Note: Full tutorial will be posted very soon...